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Borys BurkinskyiNatalya AndryeyevaOksana Nikishyna


Given the limited nature of natural resources, there is a need for the introduction of new models of economic growth that would ensure close interaction between the economy, the environment and society. According to the global development agenda for the period up to 2030 adopted by the 193 UN member states at the September 2015 Summit on Sustainable Development, an inclusive transformation economy based on sustainable production and consumption patterns is an important factor in ensuring a new dynamic of development. At the same time, the implementation of the 17 (Seventeen) Sustainable Development Goals adopted at this summit requires a scientific reflection on the systematic approach to the "green" transformation of the economy and the implementation of monitoring.

The report contains the results of studies devoted to the development and implementation of methodology and methodological support for monitoring the definition of economic and environmental priorities of the "green economy" in the context of sustainable development of Ukraine. The authors scientifically substantiate that monitoring is a dynamic system of observations, collection, processing and analysis of information on the state of implementation of goals that form the basis of the "green economy". Objective and system monitoring of "green" progress forms an analytical foundation for making scientifically sound management decisions regarding directions and methods for stimulating "green growth", forecasting the dynamics of its development, identifying "bottlenecks" in the process. The task of multilevel assessment of the directions of the transformation of Ukraine's economy through the prism of "green growth" necessitates the development of a new methodological support, which, based on the results of the adaptation of 17 global goals of sustainable development, taking into account the specificity of national development, the methodology of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) provides for the integration of "green" indicators into the system of socio-economic indicators of sustainable development of Ukraine and the construction of a new author system of indicators for a more profound assessment of the state and dynamics of changes in the "green" progress. These circumstances determined the purpose and objectives of this analytical study presented in the report.

Among the main provisions of the proposed methodological recommendations, the central place belongs to the analysis of the state and dynamics of economic and ecological indicators of "green growth" in relation to the basic goals of sustainable development, the results of which allow to identify "bottlenecks" in the process of "green" transformation of the economy and justify the directions and measures of selective state influence. An integral part of the proposed methodological approach is the principles of monitoring the progress of "green" growth, which include the following: systemicity and complexity; adequacy and flexibility; objectivity and accuracy; efficacy; purposefulness; priority of economic interests of the state; science. The aforementioned principles guide the vector of the study to assess the formation of the "green economy" as a complex dynamic system, taking into account all internal and external relations between its elements, taking into account the interaction of economic and environmental indicators on the objectivity and accuracy of the information base and analytical calculations carried out on their basis, as well on the practical significance of methodological provisions, their scientific, continuous improvement on the basis of advanced world experience in assessing the progress of "green growth. "

An analysis of modern trends in the development of the Ukrainian economy makes it possible to state that the potential for the development of "green" activities in Ukraine is primarily in the sectors of renewable energy, energy efficiency and organic agriculture. It is expected that the green transformation of the economy will affect:

1) creating less resource-intensive sectors of the economy, new markets and jobs;

2) introduction of modern energy-efficient technologies, innovative activity;

3) increasing labor productivity and business competitiveness through efficient use of energy, resources and minimizing waste volumes.

[1] The article was executed with the financial support of the Government of Ukraine in the framework of the Research and Development project "Economic and Environmental Priorities of the Green Economy" in the context of sustainable development of Ukraine "at the expense of the budget program" Support for the development of priority areas of scientific research "(КПКВК 6541230).